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New call for Residency #004 Apply until 22.11.2024!!! More info here

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The book Analogue Images will be presented at et al. on Thursday 31 October 7PM in presence of Rory Gardiner and Maxime Delvaux!

Lecture Kris De Decker-0
Lecture Kris De Decker-0

Lecture Kris De Decker

et al., Brussels

In the framework of Residency #001 – Coating we invite Kris De Decker, creator and author of Low Tech Magazine, to give a lecture on the question of Technology.


Technology has become the idol of our society, but technological progress is—more often than not—aimed at solving problems caused by earlier technical inventions. What is missing in the energy debate is a historical context. There is a lot of potential in past and often forgotten knowledge and technologies when it comes to designing a sustainable society. Interesting possibilities arise when you combine old technology with new knowledge and new materials, or when you apply old concepts and traditional knowledge to modern technology.